Thursday, 11 October 2012

sanjay week 1

On the first week, once we got in our groups of four we all then came up of different ideas that would be included in our game. The ideas I put forward was to make our game an action RPG (role playing game), the reason I thought this was a good I idea was because by making it an rpg aswell of it being open world it gives the player a lot of choices and that players will get to spend more time on the game but also it makes the game more fun to play and another game which these ideas may remind players of is The elder scrolls V SKYRIM. Skyrim was another open world rpg which has faults that we can improve on making our game a worthy contender to the elder scrolls series.

I also came up of the idea to include light puzzles in the game and what this means is that enemies would have a weakness to another type of attack such as having a water elemental weapon will do damage to a fire elemental creature. This idea would be fully implemented to the rest of the game world, you will see many different enimies but also there will be enviromental puzzles and one such puzzle could be that the is a rapid river that is blocking your path you could then use your ice magic to create a walkway of ice to the other side.

Below are designs of the creatures that I thought would suit our game:

The creature I designed above is called a draug which              The spirit was another creature I designed
is a neutral race inhabiting the the blue monutins, which             which is to work with the light factions and
 is in the north most region in the map.                                     they dwell in the anchaint spire.

 Here is the map of the game which shows where the player will get to explore :

 Talking about the map lets move on to the settings of the game which includes a castle which I designed and as you can see below this is a castle that is inhabited to the humen race as it looks like it was built in the medevil age.

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