Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Week 1 Michael update

At the start of the project we discussed the ideas for the game and made a mind map of the different ideas and came up with a final idea for the storyline and setting of the game in a fantasy world which we all agreed on. The different ideas we had were from ben an idea of us making a sci-fi game, Sampson idea of a zombie shooter or a side scroller beat them up.

After that we talked about the different races in the game as well as me and sanjay came up with a gauntlet idea to be used similar to a ‘pit-boy’ also I said we could have magic as our main weapon since not many games don’t have it as its main source of combat.

Then we started to talk about the combat in more detail such as the puzzle system in which different magical spells are stronger than other spells and that different spells have weaknesses to other spells e.g. fire stronger then ice but its weaker against water.

We then started to talk about the different weapons in the game and that we were going to use a magical weapon idea similar to fable 3.

By the end of the week I had written up the background of the world so we could use it as reference later on.

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