Sunday, 11 November 2012

Michael week 3 update

This week we started to make our own races for the game that the player could choose from that would be along with humans, elves and dwarfs. The race I choose was trolls since they are in many different fantasy type games so I researched different games that used trolls as a race in their games most were monsters that the player kills and were not the design I was looking for, then I looked up world of Warcraft game to use as my main influence of my design, I then looked up how they moved around and the way they acted.
After that I stared to look into the NPC race I was asked to design so I started to look up leprechauns for an idea since we wanted a race that would be a criminal race that ruled the underworld of the game that was neutral to the other races and since leprechauns are said to have a pot of gold and hide it from everyone I thought that it would be a good concept
On Wednesday I started to make the gauntlet design that would be the players ‘pit-boy’ of this world. The gauntlet on left is the basic design which the player would wear at the beginning of the game which will evolve along with the player the more the player is good or evil the gauntlet will change with them till its max good or max evil (design on the right).

On Thursday I made the designs for the troll and leprechauns. For the trolls I used the idea of the world of warcraft trolls in the way they walked in a crouched position as they lived in the woods and were hunters, also I made them have long fangs that stuck out from their mouths with dark coloured skin so they could hide in the shadows better. As for the leprechauns I made them look a lot like humans but they were the same height of dwarfs. Since I made them a more businesses/criminal race I made them have a smart look about them in suits and smart looking clothes to show a classic gangster/mobster look.

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